Saturday, October 2, 2010

Went Apple Pickin'!

We went to the Fuji Apple Pickin' at Apple Country Orchard this morning. Lovely morning, kinda odd little shabby orchard!

We were looking for something different to do and came across the orchard online.  Picking apples sounded fun, something we could all do and it would get us outside and breathing the fresh air.  Olivia asked if she could bring a friend so we asked Katy to come along.  She was thrilled with that, and Aidan was too. 

We headed to Idalou on Highway 62 and were soon there.  We knew by the old timey and not quaint sign that we might not be getting what we came for!  We walked into the front little shop and looked at all the ancient gifts but were soon met with the most wonderful smell!! There was a little bakery/cafe in the back and they had been making apple pancakes all morning - yum! We didn't have any however, we were there for apple picking and that's what we wanted to get to.  Didn't want to waste the lovely weather!

We got our buckets and headed to the orchard.  We were hoping to find Fuji and Arkansas Black apples. Never heard of Arkansas Black apples so we were curious. It was a nice little walk thru the orchard and we soon came to the row that we wanted to investigate.  While there were many apples on the ground around the base of the trees, we still managed to find some apples still on the branches.  Aidan picked the first one - it was really fun!  He just reached right into the leaves and plucked!  Livi and Katy had fun too.  We were allowed to eat the apples while we picked so, we picked about four and ate one then did it all over again. the apples really were delicious and seemed to taste better than the ones at the grocery.
We thought we were picking Fuji apples but it turned out we had picked Red Delicious apples. Of course, we could have gotten those at the dang grocery store but oh well! At least these were super fresh!  We picked about four pounds of apples at 89 cents a pound. We walked outta there with lots of apples for $5!

My plan is to make my first from scratch apple pie and apple turnovers.  The kids are gonna help me, we are gonna make an afternoon of it.  We will let you know how delicious they are!!

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