Friday, June 24, 2011


Both the kids turned another year older this year - as they should!  You know I love to throw a fantastic birthday party!! Both of them had fun parties and both of them felt loved and very special by all that contributed to the planning, gifting, phone calls, and hosting. 

Aidan's party was LEGO themed. He invited some friends from school and some friends from our "PhD Group."  I think he had a wonderful time, don't you!? (click the link for the video!) Aidan's Video

Olivia ended up with TWO parties this year - yikes! Not at all what I intended but then ANNIE fell into our laps.  She made such amazing friends through her participation in ANNIE, that we just had to include them in her June birthday fun.  So, that meant a school friends party in May and an ANNIE friends party on her actual b-day. Whew! Lots of work but completely worth it!!

The May party included lots of junk food (notice the cool popcorn cupcakes!) and playing dance games on the Wii:

The June party also included lots of junk food, but this time the girls went to the pool:

1 comment:

  1. Such FUN...wish I could have been there!! Happy Birthday to you both :)

    Aunt Kate
