Saturday, November 13, 2010

Where is the Turkey!?

Aidan brought home a homework assignment this week.  It was a "Disguise the Turkey" project.  He received a paper turkey that we were to disguise so that he wouldn't be eaten for Turkey dinner!! Aidan had a hard time deciding how we should disguise the turkey. First it was Batman, then someone from Star Wars, then - he made up his mind! Spike the Dinosaur won out . . .

We used green paper and cut it out to the same shape as the printed turkey. Added a 3 dimesional mouth, including sharp teeth, some spikes and a tail - and, voila! Spike the Turkey Dinosaur was born!! Aidan was VERY proud of Spike and happily took him to school for the display on his hallway.  Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! I wouldn't go near that Turkey....I mean Spike, with a 10 foot baster :)

    Aunt Kate
